Brussels – Beijing €339, Paris – Shanghai €355, Spain – Seoul €357, Vienna – Chicago €403 (direct)..

Brussels - Beijing €339, Paris - Shanghai €355, Spain - Seoul €357, Vienna - Chicago €403 (direct)..

In this article we are adding few interesting options when using current promo codes released by Alitalia and Austrian Airlines. For example you can book return flights with Alitalia from Brussels to Beijing for €339 or Barcelona to South Korea for €357. With Austrian Airlines you can book return flights from Paris to Shanghai for €355 or direct flights from Vienna to Chicago for €403. Note that those deals are just few booking samples you will surely find more interesting routes but remember both discount codes are valid only till tomorrow. Base fare is including all charges and fees. inflight meals and checked luggages in both cases…




The cheapest solutions with Alitalia or Austrian Airlines are limited by the conditions of each of the promotion codes. Simply follow below detaiils to find the lowest fare available.


Booking samples


Brussels – Beijing for €339  (price is valid when using this Alitalia promo code. travel sample 10.-27.5.)

Barcelona – Seoul for €357  (price is valid when using Alitalia promo code. travel sample 2.-15.5.)


Austrian Airlines

Paris – Shanghai for €355  (when using Austrian Airlines discount code, travel sample 26.2. – 11.3. )

Vienna – Chicago for €403  (direct flight, valid when using this Austrian Airlines promo code, travel sample 27.2. – 13.3.2017)


Booking samples of cheap flights with Alitalia or Austrian Airlines. Brussels – Beijing €339, Paris – Shanghai €355, Spain – Seoul €357, Vienna – Chicago €403 (direct)..

Brussels - Beijing €339, Paris - Shanghai €355, Spain - Seoul €357, Vienna - Chicago €403 (direct).. cheap-flights-to-beijing-shanghai-china-chicago-usa-using-austrian-airlines-promotion-code


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