Charter flights from Amsterdam to Zanzibar from €299!

Charter flights from Amsterdam to Zanzibar from €369!Great options for flexible travelers in Benelux to visit beautiful tropical isle of Zanzibar, Tanzania. Last minute charter flihgts from Amsterdam to Zanzibar are now available already for €299 (+ €15 booking fee). Note that there is no checked bag in base fare you you would need to purchase extra. (20kg bag is available for €40 both ways). This deal is based on charter carrie TUIfly Netherlands.



At this moment you will find the cheapest TUIfly flights to Zanzibar in March 2018. Althought Zanzibar is a drem exotic destination you can still find some affordable accomodation through booking servers such as or Or if you prefer to get your accomodation upon arrival you can still flind plenty of options starting already and $20 for double-room. Best time to visit Zanzibar is considered between June till November. This is still out ouf main tourist season however the weather is dry with cooler temperatures. This time our deal is based on direct booking with charter airlines TUIfly. You can also easily compare all available travel options there.


Booking sample of cheap charter flights from Amsterdam to Zanzibar from €299! You would depart from The Netherlands to this exotic destination in Africa on 28th of March. Your return flight back to Europe would be on 4th of April 2018.

Charter flights from Amsterdam to Zanzibar from €299!

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