Cheap flights from Belgrade to Kuala Lumpur from €369 return!

Cheap flights from Belgrade to Kuala Lumpur from €369 return!Attractive solution for travelers in Serbia planning to visit South East Asia also this winter season 2017/2018. Return flights from Belgrade to Kuala Lumpur are now available from €369. This is based on top ranked Qatar Airways also 5-star airline ranked by Skytrax. Fare is for a round trip flight incl. all taxes and fees, in-flight meals and checked bag up to 30kgs. As Malaysia is home of Air Asia this is good options to choose Kuala Lumpur as entry gate then move to almost anywhere in Asia you need..



Qatar Airways is running this promotion till 22nd of December. Travel period is then from 15th of January to end of October 2018. Blackout period in July and August. Max stay 12 months. You can book your hotel room in Malaysia through offers or Want to fly to Kuala Lumpur right in the middle of peak season for such a low fare please refer to our below booking sample.


Booking sample

Belgrade – Kuala Lumpur from €369

Belgrade – Kuala Lumpur for €385  (Directly with QR you can also compare all available travel options there. Fare shown is available when using this discount code).


Booking sample of latest Qatar Airways promotional sale from Europe to South East Asia in main tourist season below. Cheap flights from Belgrade to Kuala Lumpur from €369 return! You would depart from Serbia to Malaysia on Saturday, 17th of February 2018. Your return flight from Asia back to Europe would be then two weeks later, on 3rd of March.

Cheap flights from Belgrade to Kuala Lumpur from €369 return!

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