Cheap return flights from Germany to Cape Town from €397!

Cheap return flights from Germany to Cape Town from €397!

For selected and very limited travel options throughtout 2015 we may now consider to book very cheap return flights from Germany to Cape Town in Republic of South Africa. Based on service of Lufthansa and their partners you can book roundtrip tickets from €397! Look for flights ex main airports in Germany such as Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Hannover or Hamburg however travel possibilities vary for each origin and the only way is to manually look up for suitable is available via



If interested look for limited options within whole year 2015 and in January and February 2016. This is most likely an error fare deal that can be fixed any time soon. We will update this article if we came accross another travel options and booking samples. If you are looking for the cheapest options to Cape Town this is an interesting option but again as the flights may be cancelled in the end we recommend to wait till you get formal booking confirmation from the airline. On the other hand it is always worth it to book if this is deal of your interest.. 


Accommodationcompare hotels in Cape Town here


Booking samples

Stuttgart -Cape Town for €397   (27.1. – 10.2.2016)

Hamburg – Cape town for €428  (15. – 30.9.2015)

Frankfurt – Cape Town for €435  (8. – 23.9.2015)


Dresden – Cape Town for €431

Hannover – Cape Town for €435

Berlin – Cape Town for €469


Benelux – Republic of South Africa – London or Germany from £264 or €344  (Kenya Airways)


If you are looking for connection possibilities from your homecity we recommend to check through Skyscanner. You can easily find out which low-cost airlines are operating on that route and then look for the cheapest solution.

Booking sample of a open-jaw flights to Cape Town for just €397 below. In this case you would be flying from Stuttgart to Cape Town on 5th of May. Return flight from Republic of South Africa back to Germany would take place on 13th of May 2015.

Cheap return flights from Germany to Cape Town from €397!


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