A Star Alliance airline TAP Portugal offers discounted flights from Spain to San Francisco in California! You can book the cheapest flights from Barcelona for just €372 incl. taxes, meals, and handbags. Checked luggage for an additional fee. Moreover, you can also book slightly more expensive multi-city tickets with a stop-over in Lisbon on the way out from Europe to the United States of America! Good availability for the next winter season 2023/2024.
Flying from: Barcelona, Bilbao,
Flying to: San Francisco
Airline(s): TAP
Luggage: handbag
Outbound travel dates: November 2024 and January to the beginning of March 2025
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Barcelona to San Francisco from €372
Bilbao to San Francisco from €413
Valencia to San Francisco from €412
Málaga to San Francisco from €378
Madrid to San Francisco from €399
Booking sample of cheap TAP flights from Spain to San Francisco for €372! Outbound from Barcelona to California on the 18th of January. Inbound from San Francisco back to Spain through Lisbon on the 27th of January 2024.