Lufthansa promotion from Germany to New York is valid for flights departing from Europe to NYC from 17th of February and latest on 22nd of March 2018. However the earliest inbound date from USA has to be 20th of February. Max stay 3 months. Lufthansa promo sale is available till 28th of February or until sold out. The cheapest solution is direct booking with this carrier. Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel date samples.
Booking smaple
Berlin – New York from €297 (Non-stop flight)
Travel sample
19. – 26.2.
22.2. – 1.3.
26,2, – 5.3.
28.2. – 7.3.
5. – 13.3.
6. – 14.3.
20.3. – 3.4.
21.3. – 11.4.
Booking sample of 5* super cheap Lufthansa non-stop flights Berlin to New York for €297! In this case you would fly from Berlin to New York City on Saturday, 17th of February. Your inbound flight from America back to Germany would be then a week later, on 24th of February 2018. This is probably the cheapest solution on 5* Lufhtansa from Germany to USA we have spotted not to mention you will enjoy luxury of a non-stop flight..(which is usually much more expensive solution).