If you are looking for a good deal from Europe to the Republic of South Africa with reliable airlines, you may consider this solution based on SkyTeam carriers Air France–KLM. Return flights from Oslo and Bergen to Johannesburg with one layover in Amsterdam or Paris are available from €358. This includes all taxes and fees and handbags. You can purchase checked luggage for an additional fee. You will also find some options during local summer (peak season) but limited availability so hurry up if this is a deal you have been waiting for…
Flying from: Oslo, Bergen, Gothenburg, Stockholm
Flying to: Johannesburg
Airline(s): Air France-KLM
Luggage: Handbag only
Outbound travel dates: January to May 2025
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Europe to Johannesburg for €402 (Booking with Air France-KLM)
Bergen to Johannesburg for €372
Gothenburg to Johannesburg for €417
Stockholm to Johannesburg for €420
You can compare travel dates on the airline´s website. Book with your preferred booking agent or directly with Air France / KLM. Need accommodation in the Republic of South Africa we recommend the service of Booking.com or Hotels.com.
Booking sample of the cheapest Air France-KLM flights to the Republic of South Africa for €358! As per the above booking sample, you will depart from Oslo to Johannesburg on the 4th of March. Your return flight from RSA to Europe will be on the 17th of March 2025.