Good deals from the UK to Sri Lanka are very rare so here is one competitive solution with a Star Alliance member Air India. Currently, you can book full-service return flights from London Heathrow to Colombo with a layover in New Delhi for £483! The base fare includes a 23kg checked-in bag, all airport taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags. There is availability even for the winter schedule 2024/2025 which is a great time to explore this unique country in Asia. The good thing about Sri Lanka is that it’s a “round the year” destination there is always a good time to visit at least some part of the country!
Flying from: London Heathrow, Birmingham
Flying to: Colombo
Airline(s): Air India
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: January to June 2025
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: 2nd of December
Booking sample
UK to Colombo for £581 (booking with Air India with this promo code)
Birmingham to Colombo for £593
Booking sample of the cheapest Air India flights from the United Kingdom to Sri Lanka for £483! You will fly from London to Colombo on the 27th of January. Your inbound flight from Asia to Europe via New Delhi is on the 11th of February 2025.