Full-service Alitalia flights from many cities in Italy to Johannesburg from €365!

Full-service Alitalia flights from many cities in Italy to Johannesburg from €365!


Travelers in Italy may consider this first-minute deal to South Africa based on their national airlines Alitalia. Cheap full-service return flights from many Italian airports to Johannesburg (via Rome) are available from just €366! Moreover, you can also book very attractive non-stop flights from Rome from €428. All prices shown are inclusive of taxes, meals, handbag and checked luggage.


Flying From: Milan and Rome

Flying To: Johannesburg

Airline: Alitalia

Luggage: 1x23kg bag

Travel Period: From the 10th of April until the 30th of May 2021

Book by: 30th of December 2020


Booking Samples

Italy to Johannesburg for €415  (booking with Alitalia)

Milan to Johannesburg for €365

Florence to Johannesburg for €365

Venice to Johannesburg for €365

Bologna to Johannesburg for €366

Turin to Johannesburg for €366

Naples to Johannesburg for €366

Genoa to Johannesburg for €366

Pisa to Johannesburg for €366

Verona to Johannesburg for €366

Bari to Johannesburg for €421

Catania to Johannesburg for €422

Rome to Johannesburg for €428  (Non-stop flights)


Booking sample of cheap full-service Alitalia flights from many cities in Italy to Johannesburg from €365! Flights depart from Milan Linate to South Africa on the 9th of May. Returning back to Italy from Johannesburg on the 23rd of May 2021.Full-service Alitalia flights from many cities in Italy to Johannesburg from €365!

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