Return flights from Spain to the Maldives from €398!

Return flights from Spain to the Maldives from €398!Although this is kind of a last-minute deal and there is very limited availability we could not resist to not inform you about another great deal taking advantage of current Alitalia´s 20% discount off selected flights. Cheap return flights from Spain (Barcelona, Madrid) to Malé, Maldives are available from just €398. Moreover, this is a full-service deal—Base fare includes taxes, meals, handbag and checked-in luggage.


As said currently there is very limited availability when traveling from Spain to the Maldives in November and the first half of December 2019. Book this promotion by the 4th of November. No further restrictions are available. Below you can refer to our booking as well as a few travel date samples.


Booking samples

Barcelona or Madrid – Maldives for €398  –  Price is valid when using this Alitalia promo code.


Travel samples

8. – 17.11.

9. – 20.11.

12. – 21.11.

13. – 23.11.

20.11. – 4.12.

27.11. – 5.12.

10. – 25.12.


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Spain to the Maldives from €398! Date of outbound flight from Barcelona to Malé is the 20th of November. Inbound from this tropical paradise back to Spain on 5th of December 2019.

Return flights from Spain to the Maldives from €398!

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