Tips for cheap flights and promo deals

Cheap non-stop flights from London to Sri Lanka from £343 (€384)!

Looking for a direct solution from the UK to beautiful Sri Lanka consider this fairly priced deal based on SriLankan Airlines. (Oneworld). Cheap non-stop flights from London to Sri Lanka are now available from £343 (€384) incl. all charges and checked baggage. From surfing, hiking, whale and dolphin watching to relaxing on the beaches or exploring historical places Sri Lanka will surely fullfill your needs.




*UPDATE* – This deal has expired..


At this moment you will find plenty of travel options from second half of April to June or October and November 2018. Based on date of your outbound flight from London to Colombo. Choose any day of your outbound flight except Friday and Saturday. Max stay 2 months. Discount is valid for bookings made by 8th of March. Below you will find our booking samples and few travel options from both origins. Want to book your accommodation in Sri Lanka in advance we recommend or


Booking samples

London – Colombo from £343  (Choose Skyscanner UK if necessary)


Travel samples

12.4. – 1.5.

22.4. – 4.6.

26.4. – 11.5.

13. – 26.5.

20.5. – 8.6.

27.5. – 9.6.

3. – 10.6.

10. – 24.6.

14. – 30.6.

17.6. – 6.7.

20.6. – 7.7.

7. – 19.10.

17.10. – 1.11.

4. – 16.11.

18. – 30.11.

25.11. – 8.12.


Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from London to Sri Lanka from £343 (€384)! In this case you would depart from the United Kingdom to Colombo on 13th of May and returning from this classic tropical destination in Asia on Saturday, 26th of May 2018.