Except our solution from Europe to India on board of Emirates you can also book discounted flights during Emirates promotion either to Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) or China (Beijing, Shanghai). Return flights from Europe are now available from €373 incl. all taxes and fees as well as checked bag. If you need good value for your money then current Emirates promo sale is a good choice..This time the cheapest option is when departing from Scandinavia (Oslo, Copenhagen) or Budapest. but also adding some good solution from Zagreb, Germany or Prague.
If interested in this Emirates promotion you need to look for flights departing from Europe to Asia from end of February to end of June 2018. Max stay 1 month. Promotion is valid for bookings made by 22nd of January or until the cheapest Emirates tariff is sold out..Below you can refer to our booking samples to Thailand, China or Vietnam. Need an accommodation in Asia we recommend of Booking.com or Hotels.com.
Booking samples
Oslo – Ho Chi Minh City from €392
Budapest – Ho Chi Minh City from €436
Copenhagen – Bangkok from €400
Booking sample of latest promotiona deals of top ranked Emirates return flights from Oslo or Budapest to Thailand, Vietnam or China from €373..In this case you would depart from Oslo to Beijing on 6th of May. Your return flight from Asia back to Europe would be then on 18th of May 2018. Promotion is based on Emirates discounted flights during their latest special sale. Take this quite rare opportuntiy to book cheap Emirates flights. (at this moment it is the cheapest option on most of above mentioned routes which is quite rare).