Return flights from the UK to Singapore with Finnair from £315!

Return flights from the UK to Singapore with Finnair from £315!


One more interesting solution from the United Kingdom to South East Asia with Finnair (Oneworld airline). Fly from London Heathrow or Manchester to Singapore with a short layover in Helsinki for only £315 return. All prices include all taxes, fees, handbags. You can purchase checked-in luggage separately for an extra fee.


Flying from: London Heathrow, Manchester

Flying to: Singapore

Airline(s): Finnair

Luggage: handbag

Travel period: January to May 2022

Max stay: Unknown

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

London to Singapore for £315

Manchester to Singapore for £355


Booking sample of cheap return flights with Finnair from the UK to Singapore for £315. Outbound from London Heathrow to Singapore on the 21st of January returning from South East Asia back to the United Kingdom on the 4th of February 2022.

Return flights from the UK to Singapore with Finnair from £315!

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