We have found some great deals to Kenya available across Europe. You can fly to Nairobi, the countries capital with cheap flights starting at just €334 with a variety of departure airports in Europe to choose from. Depending on your route, you will be flying with SkyTeam member airlines or with SWISS/EgyptAir (a Star Alliance member). Departures can be found from Amsterdam, Brussels, Vienna, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt or Dusseldorf. There are also options from Paris non-stop with KLM or with an Istanbul multi-city thanks to Turkish Airlines! Flights are full service and include an item of checked luggage in the price. This fare is inclusive of taxes, onboard meals, hand luggage and checked luggage.
KLM Promotion Conditions
If you are interested in this KLM promotion, the best cheap flights depart from Europe to Nairobi between November 2019 to June 2020. Blackout days December and school holidays. Min stay of 4 days/one Sunday. Maximum stay of 3 months. Checked luggage in the hold in the base fare. Fare class is L/G/N. These prices are marked as available until 7th November or until sold out.
Conditions may vary by route and carrier.
How to book
We recommend you first compare the cheapest flights via Google Flights (Guide). The tool gives you an almost instant result and you can easily browse through all the months. You can then book this deal directly with KLM, or for even better prices, head over to Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights. Our Skyscanner Ultimate Guide will help you find the cheapest possible prices for you!
Booking samples
Cheap flights to Nairobi from Europe samples:
Hamburg for €401/€371 with a longer layover
Stuttgart for €407/€383 with a longer layover
Dusseldorf for €408/€379 with a longer layover
Paris for €375 with optional multi-city in Istanbul
Other dates are available! Make use of the calendar options on Google Flights to see if the best dates for you are possible.
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Europe to Nairobi €334! As per the above, this outbound flight is from Vienna to Nairobi on the 10th of March. Inbound flight back to Europe is on the 20th of March 2020.