Lufthansa flights from Luxembourg or Amsterdam to Equatorial Guinea from €418! (+ BC from AMS for €1325)

Lufthansa flights from Luxembourg or Amsterdam to Equatorial Guinea from €419!


We have found one more solution from Europe to remote Equatorial Guinea thanks to the current inaugural promotion of a Star Alliance member Lufthansa. Return flights from Benelux to Malabo, the capital city of Equatorial Guinea available from €418! This fare is including all taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags. We strongly recommend checking all entry requirements before you book this deal.


Flying from: Luxembourg, Amsterdam

Flying to:  Malabo

Airline(s):  Lufthansa

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: January to March or May and June 2024

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

Luxembourg to Malabo for €418

Amsterdam to Malabo for €441

Amsterdam to Malabo for €1325 


Booking sample of cheap flights from Benelux to Equatoria Guinea for €418 return! In this case, you would be departing from Luxembourg to Malabo on the 8th of March and returning from this remote country in Africa back to Benelux on the 22nd of March 2024.

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