Great prices for *non-stop* flights from Germany to Chicago from €293 return! (+ deal to Philadelphia)

Great prices for *non-stop* flights from Germany to Chicago from €293 return!There are some great non-stop prices from Germany to the USA available with Star Alliance now available! We have found cheap flights from Munich and Frankfurt in Germany to Chicago from only €293 for a return ticket. Cheap non-stop flights to Philadelphia are possible when flying from Frankfurt also! The flights are typically with Lufthansa or United, but you may fly on other partner airlines. Availability is high from October 2019 until May 2020! All prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes, fees and hand luggage. Hold luggage is available for an additional fee.


Lufthansa promotion conditions

The best cheap flights we found departing Germany to the USA were for flights departing in October 2019  to May 2020. Blackout dates over December and early April. You will need either a U.S. visa or ESTA to enter the USA (charged at $14 per person and you must arrange it before departing). Min stay 6 days. Max stay is 3 months with an ESTA. No bags in the hold in the base fare. Fare class is K. These prices are marked to expire on 7th October or until sold out. Fare conditions may vary by airline.


How to book

We recommend you first compare the cheapest flights via Google Flights (Guide). The tool gives you an almost instant result and you can easily browse through all the months. You can then book this deal directly with Lufthansa or other airlines, or when you have your dates, head over to Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights. Our Skyscanner Ultimate Guide will help you find the cheapest possible prices for you!


Booking sample

Cheap flights to Chicago from:

Munich for €293

Frankfurt for €306


Cheap flights to Philadelphia from:

Frankfurt for €335


Plenty of other dates are available! Make use of the calendar options on Google Flights to see if the best dates for you are possible.



You can book your accommodation in the United States of America via or


Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Munich to Chicago from €293. As per our booking your outbound flight from Germany to the USA would be on the 31st of October returning on the 13th of November 2019.

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