Multi-city flights from Stockholm to New York, Denver & Los Angeles at once €371!

Cheap multi-city flights to New York Los Angeles California Denver Colorado USA latest SAS United special promo saleIf you are planning to visit USA and you are looking for some interesting multi-city combination we have some amazing deal for you. With our solution you have great opportunity to visit New York, Denver & Los Angeles (or San Francisco) at once. All this you can book for just €371 when flying from Stockholm. For a bit higher but still very attractive fare you may also consider to depart from Oslo. This is based on service of SAS Scandinavian Airlines and their partners. All charges and fees and 23kg checked luggage are included in base fare. This is just our suggestion but of course you can skip one of the stop-overs and book multi-city flights e.g. only to New York and Denver or California and Denver.



SAS Scandinacian Airlines promotion is valid for flights in travel period between end of August 2016 till end of June 2017. Max stay 12 months. Seems you may find some good deals also over Christmas and Easter holidays. If interested in this great solution to travel three famous US cities at cost of a one ticket this is an excellent opportunity for almost anyone from Europe..


Booking samples

Stockholm – New York – Denver – Los Angeles – Stockholm for €371

Stockholm – New York – Denver – Los Angeles – Stockholm for £329


Stockholm – New York – Denver – San Francisco – Stockholm for €403


Need to book your hotel in USA in advance consider to use Also you can use following promo codes when planning to book via, AmomaEbookersHotelopia or Venere.


Booking sample of cheap multi-city flights from Stockholm to New York, Denver & Los Angeles at once €371! In this case you would fly from Sweden to New York on 31st of October 2016. You would then move to Denver on 8th of November. After you adventure in snowy Colorado you can fly over to sunny California. Finally you would return from Los Angeles back to Europe on 21st of November 2016.

Cheap multi-city flights to New York Los Angeles California Denver Colorado USA latest SAS United special promo sale 2016-2017 main tourist season

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