Multi city flights New York, Miami, Honduras + Roatan from BCN for £316 (€377)!

Tips for cheap multi city flights New York Miami Honduras RoatanHere is an excellent opportunity for a bit more experienced travellers willing to travel more places during their trip to USA and Central America. Based on American Airlines you may book cheap multi city flights and visit New York, Miami, Honduras (+ Roatan) at once! Flights departing from Barcelona are available for just £316 (€377)! Thanks to many low-cost carriers connecting Barcelona with other European cities this is great deal for basically all the citizens within Europe..



This offer is giving you great opportunity to visit supercities New York and Miami as to have some adventure in Honduras and relax at one of incredible beaches of Carribean isle Roatan. This is in fact also great opportunity to visit Barcelona, city of Gaudi.

In case of interest please look for following routes Barcelona – Miami – San Pedro Sula/Tegucigalpa – Roatan – New York – Barcelona also as per the booking sample ät the end of this entry. Such a multi city flights are currently available for just £316 (€377). Roatan is possible to reach from Honduras mainland by boat. One way ticket costs approx $30 per person. (for example with Roatan Ferry operating between La Ceiba and Roatan). You may also skip Roatan if you want and return back from Honduras mainland airports. (you may depart either from San Pedro Sula or Tegucigalpa.

In addition you may also book the flights to Honduras without multi stop in USA. In such case you may either book the flights between Barcelona and Honduras (from €375) or you may also book open-jaw flights Barcelona – Honduras – London for £350 (€421).


How to book:

either follow below links and change travel dates if required or, once you choose proper connection dates, you have to choose American Airlines as preferred airline. To do this just scroll below and mark “Narrow the search to my preferred airline” in Additional search opton.

Booking sample via Ebookers UK for £316 available here

Booking in German for €377 possible here

The fastest way to check connecting flight between your home city and Barcelona is to use Skyscanner.


Booking period – current tariff of American Airlines allows to book these multi city flights till 6th of April 2014 (latest date of a last leg between New York and Barcelona).

The price for multi city flight includes all taxes and fees as well as checked in luggage up to 23kgs. Do not forget to issue ESTA Certificate in any case as this is routed via USA.


Booking sample of an multi city flight Barcelona – Miami – Pedro San Sula – Roatan – New York –  Barcelona for £319 (€377) below:

Tips for cheap multi city flights New York Miami Honduras Roatan 316














Booking sample of an open jaw flight departing on 12th of March from Barcelona to Honduras and returning back from Central America on 26th of March back to London, UK:

Tips for cheap open jaw flights Europe to Honduras return UK London 350















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