Those of you asking for some one-way deal may consider to book this very cheap one-way flight from Poland to Vietnam for just €57. You mave to be a bit flexible as there is currently only one travel date available. You have to look for this charter flight departing already on 20th of March 2017. This is price for one-way ticket including taxes and 20kgs checked luggage.
Booking is available only in Polish language, use Google translator to go all the way in booking process. As mentioned only one travel option is avaialbe at this moment. You may refer to below booking sample if interested in this deal.
Booking sample
Warsaw – Ho Chi Minh City for €57
To book your accommodation in Vietnam you may use or consider following promo codes offred by, Hotelopia or Venere. Booking sample of super cheap one-way flight from Poland to Vietnam for €57 below. In this case you would depart from Warsaw to Ho Chi Minh City on 20th of March 2017. This charter flight is based on service of LOT Polish Airlines.