After our deal from Austria to Oman, you may also consider a similar offer to Muscat when departing from Italy! Cheap flights from Venice, Rome, Milan or Bologna to Muscat are available for €189 for a roundtrip ticket. Flights have one layover in Istanbul on the way. There is no checked luggage in base fare which you will need to purchase extra. Price is valid once the cheapest seats have sold out which can happen anytime soon so be quick if you this is a deal of your interest. Please refer to our below booking as well as few travel date samples.
Flying from: Venice, Milan, Rome, Bologna
Flying to: Muscat
Airline(s): Pegasus Airlines
Luggage: handbag
Travel period: November 2021 to February 2022 (excl. Christmas)
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Venice to Muscat, Oman for €189
Bologna to Muscat, Oman for €212
Milan to Muscat, Oman for €230
Booking sample of cheap flights from Italy to Oman for €189 for a roundtrip ticket! Outbound date from Venice to this beautiful country in the Middle East on the 4th of November. Inbound from Muscat, Oman back to Italy on the 21st of November 2021.