Return flights from Europe to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from €339!

Return flights from Europe to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from €339!Based on various carriers we have prepared for you list of currently attractive deals from Europe to Addis Ababa, capital of incredible Ethiopia! Based on a Star Alliance members Egypt Air or Turkish Airlines. also SkyTeam partners Air France / KLM and Kenya Airways you can book return flights to Ethiopia from €339! Look for flights departing from main airports in Germany, Amsterdam, Italy, Stockholm, Vienna, Brussels or Paris. Also adding our previous deal from Madrid from €284 (Ethiopian Airlines).



In general you need to look for flights departing from Europe to Ethiopia from April to June 2018. (Turkish Airlines deal is available also from September to November). As all of the deals are an official promotions you can easily compare the cheapest flights directly at website of particular carrier. Below you can find our booking samples.


Booking samples

Egypt Air

Hamburg – Ethiopia from €339

Munich – Ethiopia from €353

Frankfurt – Ethiopia from €364

Amsterdam – Ethiopia from €401


Air France / KLM, Kenya Airways

Venice – Ethiopia from €356

Stockholm – Ethiopia from €359

Vienna – Ethiopia from €362

Milan – Ethiopia from €377

Brussels – Ethiopia from €380

Paris – Ethiopia from €443


Turkish Ailrines

Dusseldorf – Ethiopia from €392

Stuttgart – Ethiopia from €393

Hamburg – Ethiopia from €401


Ethiopian Airlines

Madrid – Ethiopia from €260


We recommend to use Skyscanner to quickly find out the cheapest connection flight from your home city.


Booking sample of Return flights from Europe to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from €339! According to our above link your outbound flight from Berlin to Ethiopia would be on 20th of May 2018 and you would return from Africa back to Germany on 2nd of June. The cheapest solution is based on a Star Alliance carrier Egypt Air. There is one short layover in Cairo on your way to and from Africa.

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