Return flights from Germany to New Zealand for €813!

Return flights from Germany to New Zealand for €792! (+ Taiwan)To book return flights from Germany to New Zealand for a reasonable fare is available when taking the advantage of current tariff of Cathay Pacific, one of few 5-star airlines ranked by SKYTRAX. There are currently limited travel options available also during summer in New Zealand! Cheap air tickets from DUsseldorf to Auckland with layover in Hong Kong are already available for €813! We are also adding an interesting booking sample ex Amsterdam (already for €748).



Most of EU citizens does not need visa to New Zealand (in case of max stay up to 90 days). This is a great deal for most of the travelers from Europe as the regular price is going well over €1000. To compare connection flights is the easiest through Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly a rough idea which low-cost airlines are connecting your home town. If interested in this promotional deal with Cathay Pacific please look for flights departing till the end of May and from September till December 2015. Booking has to be done till 15th of July or until sold out. Max stay 21 days. Stop-over in Hong Kong is available for additional €75/stop-over.


Booking sample

Dusseldorf – Auckland for €813


Travel date samples

10.9.. – 11.10.

17.9. – 18.10.

10.11. – 9.12.2015



Booking sample of cheap return flights from Germany to New Zealand for €813. In this case you would be departing from Frankfurt to Auckland on 10th of November. Your return flight from New Zealand back to Europe would be on 9th of December 2015.

Return flights from Germany to New Zealand for €813!


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