Return flights from Munich to tropical Maldives from €308!

Return flights from Munich to tropical Maldives from €308!

If you are flexible enough you have now amazing opportunity to book return flights from Munich to tropical Maldives already for €308! If you dont mind to exchange cold Europe to one of amazing beaches of this tropical archipelago you may consider this offer based on service of 5* Qatar Airways. This is a price for a roundtrip flight including all taxes and fees. Checked in luggage up to 30kgs is included as well. 



If you consider this promotional offer with Qatar Airways  note that there is only one solution for the lowest price. This is kind of a last minute deal. Look for flights mainly in November 2016. Please refer to below booking sample if interested in this great solution to exotic Maldives.


Booking sample

Munich  – Maldives from €308


If you want to book cheap hotel accommodation in Maldives you may check some affordable offers via booking agent Also consider following promo codes offered by Hotelopia or Venere.


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Munich to tropical Maldives from €308! As mentioned only one last minute travel date is available. You would have to be departing from Germany to Male on 8th of November. Your return flight from Maldives back to Europe would be on 15th of November 2016. This solution is based on promotional deal of Qatar Airways, one of few five-star airlines..

Return flights from Munich to tropical Maldives from €308!

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