Experienced travelers may consider this current deal with Saudia offering discounted full-service return flights from Germany to Khartoum, Sudan for €421. This is including all airport taxes, onboard meals, handbags as well as checked-in luggage included in the base fare of the promotional tariff.
Flying from: Frankfurt
Flying to: Khartoum
Airline(s): Saudia
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: March to May or September and October 2023
Max stay: 6 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Frankfurt to Khartoum, Sudan for €421
Booking sample of cheap Saudia flights from Germany to Sudan for €421! In our example, you would depart from Frankfurt to Khartoum on the 12th of May. Your return flight from Africa back to Germany would be then on the 27th of May 2023.