We have some great options for travelers in Greece planning to visit Ethiopia! Cheap full-service return flights from Athens to Addis Ababa are available for just €342! This is based on the service of Saudi Airlines and inclusive of all taxes and fees, meals and checked luggage. Great availability in autumn which is a good time to visit this part of Africa..!
Flying from: Athens
Flying to: Addis Ababa
Airline(s): Saudi Airlines
Luggage: 2x23kg bags
Outbound travel dates: May or September and October 2023
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Athens to Addis Ababa from €368
Booking sample of cheap full-service Saudia flights from Athens to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for just €342! In this case, you would depart from Greece to Ethiopia on the 16th of September. Inbound from this African country back to Athens Int. airport on the 28th of September 2023.