Virgin Atlantic (SkyTeam) with the help of British Airways Lingus offers greatly discounted return flights from Austria to China. If interested you can book currently the cheapest flights from Vienna to Shanghai for €375 incl. taxes, onboard meals, handbag, and one checked-in luggage as well. You have to be flexible though as this is a first-minute offer available mainly in November 2023…
Flying from: Vienna, Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart
Flying to: Shanghai
Airline(s): Virgin Atlantic, British Airways
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: From the 21st of October to the 6th of December 2023
Max stay: 1 month
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Booking sample of cheap full-service Virgin Atlantic flights from Austria to China from €375! You would depart from Vienna to Shanghai on the 21st of October. Your inbound flight from Asia back to Austria would be then on the 4th of November 2023.