Tips for cheap flights and promo deals

Return flights from Europe to Ethiopia from €328!

Return flights from Europe to Ethiopia from €353!

Star Alliance members Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines or EgyptAir are currently running new promo sales offering some attractive deals to Africa. This time we would like to share with you and interesting solution to Addis Ababa. If you are looking for some African adventure also next winter 2018/2019 you may explore incredible Ethiopia also considered as “The Cradle of Humankind”. Country where one of the most iconic skeletons of human ancestors, known as “Lucy” and “Ardi”, were found. Round trip flights from Europe are now starting at €328. The cheapest tickets are available when departing from Madrid, Germany, Amsterdam or Italy.



For a still attractive rate you may consider to depart also from other Europen countries. Look for flights from main airports in Germany (Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt). Paris, Dublin, Brussel, Rome or Milan. Last option are multi-city flights from London with necessary stop in Istanbul already for £353.  This latest Egypt Air offer is available from September to beginning of December 2018. Turkish Airlines promotional sale is running also in first quarter of 2019. (your outbound flight from Europe to Africa and except blackout period around Summer and Christmas holidays). Look for flights to Addis Abbaba ex various European countries. We recommend to check all the requirements to enter the country and needful vaccination perior booking.


Booking samples

Egypt Air

Berlin – Ethiopia from €328

Munich – Ethiopia from €341

Frankfurt – Ethiopia from €370


Amsterdam – Ethiopia from €337

Milan – Ethiopia from €367

Brussels – Ethiopia from €359

Milan / Rome – Ethiopia from €367

Vienna – Ethiopia from €380

Budapest – Ethiopia from €392

Paris – Ethiopia from €395

Copenhagen – Ethiopia from €404


Turkish Ailrines

London – Ethiopia from £363

Italy – Ethiopia from €383

Germany – Ethiopia from €397

France – Ethiopia from €408

Dublin – Ethiopia from €468


Ethiopian Airlines

Madrid / Barcelona – Ethiopia from €282

London – Ethiopia from £348


If interested in these kind of a deals you can also have a look on our solution from Europe to Kenya already for €339 roundtrip. We recommend to use Skyscanner to quickly find out the cheapest connection flight from your home city. You can book cheap hotel room in Addis Ababa via or


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Europe to Ethiopia from €328 below. In this case you would be departing from Berlin to Addis Ababa on 11th of November. You would be then returning back from Africa to Europe on 25th of November 2018. Flights are based on service of EgyptAir. Return flights with Turkish Airlines are available from €383 and Ethiopian Airlines from €282..

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