Cheap flights from across Europe to Taipei, Taiwan from only €310 return!

Cheap flights from across Europe to Taiwan from only €310 return!There are some cheap flights departing from many cities in Europe to the island of Taiwan. We have found return flights for as low as €310 for a return trip! Flight providers vary greatly by the origin airport with options available from Air China, KLM, and China Southern. The Chinese airlines include checked baggage with their prices also! Flights depart from Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Denmark and Sweden.

The flights take you to Taipei, the capital of Taiwan which has the bamboo-like Taipei 101 skyscraper overlooking the city standing over half a kilometre tall. All prices are for a round-trip ticket incl. all taxes and fees. Checked luggage is available for an additional cost if travelling with KLM.

Air China Booking Conditions

The cheap flights with Air China from Europe to Taiwan are available throughout 2020 excluding 4th-7th January, 18th-27th January and 25th September – 2nd October. If you have a long layover in China, you can visit the country on your trip to Taiwan as you can get 144h visa-free entry upon arrival. Minimum stay 6 days. Maximum stay 3 months. The booking class for Air China flights is L. This deal is available until 31st December 2019. Fare conditions may vary by origin city.


How to book

We recommend you first compare the cheapest flights via Google Flights (Guide). The tool gives you an almost instant result and you can easily browse through all the months. You can then book this deal directly with the airline although the lowest prices were found through booking agents recommended from Skyscanner. If interested in this offer you can refer to our booking samples below. Our Skyscanner Ultimate Guide will help you find the cheapest possible prices for you!


Booking samples

Booking samples of cheap flights from Europe to Taiwan:

Munich to Taiwan for €310 (Air China)

Paris to Taiwan for €320 (Air China)

Frankfurt to Taiwan for €321 (Air China)

Rome to Taiwan for €322 (China Southern)

Copenhagen to Taiwan for €322 (Air France)

Barcelona to Taiwan for €343 (KLM)

Madrid to Taiwan for €343 (KLM)

Vienna to Taiwan for €346 (KLM)

Stockholm to Taiwan for €369 (Air France-KLM)

Other dates are available! You can use Google Flights to check for other dates from KLM serviced cities. Make use of Skyscanner’s calendar feature for Air China options as it is currently not supported with Google Flights.



If you need accommodation for your trip to Taipei you can use or for the lowest prices!

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Europe to Taipei, Taiwan from €310! In this case, you would be flying from Munich to Taiwan on the 13th of March. You would then fly back to Germany on the 29th of March 2020.

Cheap flights from across Europe to Taiwan from only €310 return!

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