We have another good offer to Cuba based on a service of SkyTeam member Air Europa this time you can book discounted return tickets from the Netherlands. The cheapest flights from Amsterdam to Havana are available for €452 roundtrip. This is excluding checked bags in base fare otherwise this is for a return ticket incl. taxes, meals, and handbags.
Flying from: Amsterdam
Flying to: Havana
Airline(s): Air Europa
Luggage: Handbag only
Travel period: From the end of August to the first half of October 2023
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking sample
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Havana, Cuba for €452! As per the above link, you would fly from the Netherlands to this tropical Caribbean island on the 19th of September. Inbound from Havana back to Amsterdam Schiphol airport on the 10th of October 2023.