Air France (SkyTeam) offers discounted full-service flights from the main airports in Italy to Benin. Look for return tickets to Cotonou with flights available for €363! This is a full-service offer with one layover in Paris on the way. At this moment there is a limited travel period though, you can compare all the cheapest flights at the website of Air France then book it with your preferred company.
Flying from: Milan, Rome, Venice, Bologna, Turin
Flying to: Cotonou
Airline(s): Air France
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: May or late September and in October 2022
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: 26th of April
Booking samples
Bookng sample of cheap Air France flights from Italy to Benin for €363! As per our booking sample date of your outbound flight from Bologna Cotonou on the 23rd of May returning from this African country would be on the 10th of June.