Flights to Asunción, Paraguay or Montevideo, Uruguay from €433 from Switzerland & Czech Republic

Flights to Asuncion from €467 from Austria, Switzerland & Czech RepublicThere are some good prices to a less common destination in South America available currently. Cheap flights from several European cities to Asunción, Paraguay can be found from €433 return! You can choose to depart from Geneva, Vienna, Basel, Prague, Brussels and Zurich. The capital of Paraguay has many historic architectural buildings to visit from an era of Spanish rule, a popular zoo and botanical gardens. And if you want to get out of the city, the spectacular Iguazu Falls (pictured) are a bus ride away. This deal is mainly thanks to Air France-KLM, though there are flights with other airlines depending on your route. Fare includes all taxes, in-flight meals, and hand luggage. A checked bag is available for an additional fee.



If you are interested in this deal with Air France-KLM the cheapest flights are marked as available departing from Europe to Asuncion all throughout 2020 aside from departures between 1st July and 21st August. We have found the best prices in early 2020 however. Max stay is 12 months. This may vary by origin airport. There is no end date specified for this deal so we would recommend booking soon if you are interested in case the flights sell out. You can book your tickets with Air France-KLM or with your preferred travel agent.


Booking samples

Cheap flights from Europe to Asuncion, Paraguay from €452 (Booking with the airline)

Basel to Asuncion from €433

Geneva to Asuncion from €445

Prague to Asuncion from €450

Zurich to Asuncion from €468

Geneva to Asuncion from €445

Vienna to Asuncion from €545


Prague to Montevideo from €440

Basel to Montevideo from €441

Zurich to Montevideo from €453

Geneva to Montevideo from €454

Brussels to Montevideo from €515

Vienna to Montevideo from €556


Other dates are available! You can use the calendar options on your booking website of choice to find dates to suit you.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Europe to Asuncion, Paraguay from €433! In this case, you would fly from Basel to Paraguay on the 4th of May. Your return flight from South America back to the Czech Republic would be on the 17th of May 2020.

Flights to Asunción, Paraguay or Montevideo, Uruguay from €433 from Switzerland & Czech Republic

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