Air France-KLM flights from Brussels or Lux to Bangkok for €502!

KLM flights from Brussels to Bangkok for €377!


We do not see bargain deals from Benelux to Southeast Asia with Air France-KLM that often so here is one deal you might find interesting. Firstly note that there is no checked-in luggage in the base fare and is only available for an additional fee. The cheapest return tickets from Brussels main airport to Bangkok with a short layover in Amsterdam or Paris are available for €502. The offer is inclusive of taxes, meals, and handbags. You can purchase checked-in luggage separately for an extra fee.


Flying from: Brussels, Luxembourg

Flying to: Bangkok

Airline(s): Air France-KLM

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: May and June 2024

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: 13th of November


Booking samples

Brussels to Bangkok for €502  (price is valid when using this Air France-KLM promo code, do not choose the railway connection)

Luxembourg to Bangkok for €532  (price is valid when using this Air France-KLM promo code)


Booking sample of cheap return Air France-KLM flights from Belgium to Thailand for €502. As per the above sample, in this promo deal, you would depart from Brussels to Bangkok on the 10th of May returning from South East Asia to Belgium on the 22nd of May 2024.

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