Cheap return flights from the UK to Khartoum, Sudan from £293 return!

Cheap return flights from the UK to Khartoum, Sudan from £293 return!Experienced travelers looking for new challenges may consider a current promotional sale of Saudia Arabia Airlines. (members of a SkyTeam alliance). Return flights from Manchester or London to Khartoum, the capital and largest city of this African country. Cheap return flights with one short layover in Jeddah are available from £293. This is including taxes, meals, hand bag and checked luggage. Among other interesting things to see do not miss amazing pyramids in Meroë, an ancient city located approx 200km north-east of Khartoum.



Interested in this solution to Sudan you will find the cheapest deals with Saudia when traveling after 1st of October 2019. You must complete all travel by the 23rd of March 2020. Blackout dates over Christmas. Promotional sale is running till the30th of September or until the cheapest flights are available. Need cheap accommodation in Khartoum we recommend or consider currently released discount codes by or Otel. You can compare all the cheapest available travel dates directly at the website of Saudia.


There are certain regions in Sudan (borders with Chad, South Sudan and Eritrea) you should avoid at all costs. If you decide to book this deal you should check certain situation also other entry requirements and vaccination required.


Booking samples

Manchester – Khartoum from £293

London – Khartoum from £324

UK – Maldives or Sri Lanka from £378


Booking sample of cheap return flights from the UK to Khartoum, Sudan from £293 return! As per our booking sample you would depart from Manchester to Sudan on the 25th of January. Inbound flight from this not a classic destination in Africa back to Europe on Saturday, 8th of February 2020.

Cheap return flights from the UK to Khartoum, Sudan from £293 return!

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