Cheap (non-stop) flights from Italy to Seoul, South Korea from €369!

Cheap (non-stop) flights from Italy to Seoul, South Korea from €369!Great solution for travelers in Italy (considering this is a non-stop service) from Rome to Seoul in South Korea based on their national carrier Alitalia. (SkyTeam). Return flights inclusive of all taxes, in-flight meals and checked bag are now available already for €369! Moreover for similar price you can also book return flights from Milan (via Rome). Flights from other Italian cities (Bologna, Turin, Venice, Pisa etc.) are also available for approx €400 which is still ok deal from Europe to South Korea.



If interested you may find very limited travel options between 2nd of December 2017 and 31st of March 2018 .(Also latest date of your inbound flight from Seoul to Italy). Max stay in South Korea 1 month. Alitalia promotional deal is valid for bookings made till 17th of November 2017. Only few travel dates are available for such a cheap fare so you better hurry up with booking if you are interested in this great deal. More attractive Aliatalia deals are available. You can check other options here. To check your connection possibilities from your home town directly you may check through Skyscanner. You can further discount your accommodation using this or promotional deals.


Booking samples

Rome – Seoul from €369  (Non-stop flights)

Mian – Seoul from €369


Travel date samples

2. – 10.12.

3. – 11.12.

7. – 15.12.

9. – 17.12.

17. – 25.12.

4. – 21.1.

20. – 28.1.

21. – 29.1.

28.1. – 4.2.

25.2. – 4.3.

4. – 16.3.

11. – 25.3.


Booking sample of cheap (non-stop) flights from Italy to Seoul, South Korea from €369! In this case you would be flying from Rome to Seoul on 2nd of December and returning from Asia back to Europe on 10th of December 2017. Considering this is direct service this is one of the chepest options you can book from Europe at this moment..

Cheap (non-stop) flights from Italy to Seoul, South Korea from €369!

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