Cheap return flights from London to Phoenix, Arizona from £270!

Cheap return flights from London to Phoenix, Arizona from £270!Fairly priced flights form Europe to the capital and largest city of U.S. state of Arizona are not that common so here is some good option for travelers in the UK based on promotion of SkyTeam airlines KLM and Delta Air Lines. Cheap flights from London to Phoenix with one layover on the way are available from £270 incl. all taxes, meals and hand bag. Checked luggage for additional fee. Take advantage of this not so common promotion and book currently the cheapest flights from the Uk to Phoenix with SkyTeam!


If interested in this deal you will find plenty of travel dates when traveling from London to Phoenix from end of October 2019 to May 2020. Max stay 12 months. Delta and KLM promotion is running till 9th of August or available until the cheapest seats have sold out. Below you can refer to our booking samples based on direct booking with KLM or with various online travel agents.


Booking samples

London – Phoenix for £287  (Book with airline or follow to compare all the cheapest travel dates)

London – Phoenix from £270


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Booking sample of Cheap return flights from London to Phoenix, Arizona from £270! You would fly from the United Kingdom to U.S. state of Arizona on Saturday, 23rd of November. Inbound from Phoenix back to London Heathrow on 7th of December 2019.

Cheap return flights from London to Phoenix, Arizona from £270!

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