Bargain deals from Switzerland to the Maldives are fairly rare so if you have been looking for a reasonable solution with a well-ranked airline you may consider this Etihad Airways promotion offering discounted flights from Zurich or Geneva to Malé for €483! This includes all airport taxes, in-flight meals, and handbags as well as checked-in luggage. If you prefer direct booking with the airline you can use this currently working Etihad promo code.
Flying from: Zurich, Geneva
Flying to: Malé
Airline(s): Etihad Airways
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: February to June and September to November 2024
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Zurich to the Maldives for €483
Geneva to the Maldives for €5
Booking sample of cheap Etihad flights from Switzerland to the Maldives for €483! As per the above link to this promo deal, you would depart from Zurich to Malé on the 3rd of March returning from this tropical holiday destination back to Europe via Abu Dhabi on the 19th of March 2024.