Non-stop flights from Paris to Los Angeles from €365 return!


Looking for cheap non-stop flights from France to California then consider the latest promotion of a low-cost airline French Bee offering discounted non-stop flights from Paris to San Francisco or Los Angeles from €365. Note that there is no checked luggage nor onboard meals included in the base fare so choose this only if you are a budget traveler who appreciates direct service on this route…


Flying from: Paris Orly

Flying to: Los Angeles, San Francisco

Airline(s): French Bee

Luggage: Handbag only

Travel period: April and May or October to December 2024  (excl. Christmas)

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

Paris to Los Angeles for €365

Paris to San Francisco for €451


Booking sample of Cheap non-stop flights from Paris to California for €365! Outbound from France to Los Angeles on the 11th of May. Return from America back to Paris Orly on the 18th of May 2024.

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