PEAK SEASON! Non-stop flights to Bangkok, Thailand from Madrid for €555!

Non-stop flights to Bangkok, Thailand from Madrid for €555!


Travelers near Madrid have a unique chance to fly non-stop to Bangkok right in the middle of the next main tourist season in Thailand thanks to the inaugural promo sale of a Spanish charter airline Iberojet, which offers discounted non-stop flights from Madrid to Bangkok available for €555! The base fare includes all airport taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags. Checked luggage for an additional fee. Be quick with your booking the cheapest seats will surely be gone soon!


Flying from: Madrid

Flying to: Bangkok

Airline(s): Iberojet

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: June and the first half of July or October 2024 to March 2025

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: 20th of June (book ASAP)


Booking samples

Madrid to Bangkok for €555

Madrid to Bangkok for €491  (JUNE departures)


Travel days:

Outbound flights on Thursday or Sunday.

Return flights on Monday or Friday.


Booking sample of cheap Iberojet flights to Thailand in the main season for €555! As per the above link, you will depart from Madrid to Bangkok on the 26th of January returning from this famous destination in South East Asia to Europe on the 7th of February 2025.

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