Return flights from Luxembourg to Seoul, South Korea for €363!

Return flights from Luxembourg to Seoul, South Korea for €363!


Flexible travelers near Luxembourg may consider this first-minute LOT promotion offering discounted return flights from Luxembourg airport to Seoul, South Korea for €363. There is a layover in Warsaw on the way and the base fare is including all airport taxes and fees, onboard meals and handbag.


Flying from: Luxembourg

Flying to: Seoul Incheon

Airline(s): LOT Polish Airlines

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: January to May 2023  (Jan to March dates require a long layover in Warsaw on the way)

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample  

Luxembourg to Seoul for €399  (booking with LOT)

Luxembourg to Seoul for €363


Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Luxembourg to South Korea from €363! In this case, you would fly from Lux to Seoul on the 9th of May returning from this Asian country back to Europe on the 26th of May 2023.

Return flights from Luxembourg to Seoul, South Korea for €363!

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