Return flights from the UK to Muscat, Oman for £219!

Cheap flights from the UK to Muscat, Oman from £191 return!


Low-cost travelers may consider this offer from the United Kingdom to Muscat, Oman available from £219 when departing from London and Manchester. The deal is based on the service of low-cost carrier Pegasus Airlines with a layover in Istanbul on the way. There is no checked luggage in base fare which you will need to purchase extra but if you are looking for a bargain offer from the UK to this unique destination in the Middle East this is by far the cheapest deal available.


Flying from: Manchester, London

Flying to: Muscat

Airline(s): Pegasus Airlines

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: January to March 2024

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown


Booking samples

London to Muscat, Oman from £219

Manchester to Muscat, Oman from £227


London to Abu Dhabi, the UAE for £219


UK to Doha, Qatar for £220


London to Bahrain for £253


UK to Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Dammam) from £256


Booking sample of cheap flights from the United Kingdom to Muscat, Oman for £219 return! Outbound date from London to this beautiful country in the Middle East on the 10th of March. Inbound from Muscat, Oman back to the UK on the 17th of March 2024.

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