Non-stop return flights from Amsterdam to Iceland for €104!

Non-stop return flights from Amsterdam to Iceland for €143!


We can see some low-priced non-stop flights from the Netherlands to Iceland available with a low-cost airline PLAY. Currently, the cheapest return tickets from Amsterdam to Reykjavik/Keflavik airport are available for €104 with availability in Winter 2024. Be quick as this seems to be a flash sale promotion. The base fare includes airport taxes and small personal items. For any additional service, you need to pay extra.


Flying from: Amsterdam

Flying to: Reykjavik/Keflavik

Airline(s): PLAY

Luggage: Small personal item – max. dims: 42x32x25 cm/17x13x10 in (10 kg/22 lbs)

Travel period: February to April 2024

Max stay: Limited by the travel period

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample 

Amsterdam to Iceland for €104


If you book this cheap low-cost flight to Iceland you might also need some affordable accommodation. We recommend the service of leading booking sites such as or


Booking sample of PLAY promotion offering cheap low-cost non-stop flights from the Netherlands to  Iceland for €104! The date of your outbound flight from Amsterdam to Reykjavik/Keflavik would be the 9th of April. An inbound flight from Iceland back to the Netherlands would be then on the 24th of April 2024.

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