Return flights from Amsterdam to Nepal from €433 on board of 4* Etihad!

Return flights from Amsterdam to Nepal from €403!

Based on the premium service of Etihad Airways you have a great opportunity to discover incredible Nepal. Flights are available also at the end of April which is a great time for hiking in the Himalayas! Return flights from Amsterdam to Nepal are now available from €433. All charges and fees and 23kgs checked luggage are included in base fare. Apart from mountain hiking, you may also consider going south of Nepal for some jungle trekking to spot rhinos, elephants or even rate tigers.. (Chitwan National Park located close to Indian borders is one of the last strongholds of the Royal Bengal tiger..). Close to Chitwan National Park, you may also consider visiting Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha and one of the four holy places of Buddhism.



To take advantage of this Etihad Airways promo sale you may find the cheapest flights from Amsterdam to Kathmandu, Nepal from 11th of February to 10th of March or 21st of April to 25th of June or 16th of August to 2020. Based on the latest date of your return flight from Kathmandu to Amsterdam. Max stay for 6 months. Book this Etihad promotion by the 1st of March. You can compare all the cheapest travel dates at the website of Etihad Airways.


On your return flight, you would have to accept a longer layover in Abu Dhabi. (overnight stay). On the other hand, you have a great opportunity to visit Nepal in the main tourist season for such a low fare based on well-ranked carrier Etihad Airways. If interested in this solution please refer to below booking and travel date samples.:


Booking sample

Amsterdam – Kathmandu, Nepal for €475 (Book with Etihad. Consider free two-night stopover in Abu Dhabi offer)

Amsterdam – Nepal from €433


Most EU travelers should be able to get a tourist visa upon arrival in Kathmandu. In order to be allowed to go trekking, you would need to obtain Trekking Permit and TIMS card. This is, for instance, possible to obtain at Nepal Tourism Offices in Kathmandu which is easily reachable by walk (15 mins) from Thamel district. (the Main tourist area in Kathmandu). Nepal is in general a very cheap country and you should have no problem to find plenty of accommodation possibilities when arriving in Kathmandu. If you still want to book your accommodation in Nepal in advance you may use or consider following promo codes with EbookersOtel.comHotelopia or Venere.


Booking sample of cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Nepal from €433! In this case, you would be departing from The Netherlands to Kathmandu on the 21st of April. Return back from this unique country in Asia back to Amsterdam Schiphol on the 11th of May 2020.

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