Return flights from Dublin to Panama from €288!

Return flights from Dublin to Panama from €405!

It is first time we are adding a deal from Ireland to Central America as thie flights on this route are fairly expensive. At this moment you can book reasonably priced flights from Dublin to Panama already for €288. The cheapest option requires additional layover on your return flight from Panama City. Note you can book slightly more expensive flights with just one layover in Frankfurt. This solution with Star Alliance airlines is including all taxes and fees as well as checked luggage.




This Lufthansa promotion is valid for flights departing from Ireland to Panama till 14th of June then from 16th of August till March 2018. This is excluding dates around Christmas holidays.Max stay 3 months. You can also find some competitive solution from Shannon or Cork but with two layovers in London and Canada on your way. Below you can refer to our booking sample.


Booking sample

Dublin – Panama for €333  (directly with Lufthansa, travel sample 6. – 23.11.)

Dublin – Panama from €314  (1 stop)

Dublin – Panama from €288  (2 stops)


Open-jaw solution with return from Costa Rica

Dublin – Panama and Costa Rica – Dublin from €319

Dublin – Costa Rica from €366


Travel dates.: You can easily search and compare here directly at the website of Lufthansa then book with your preferred booking agent or with airline. To book your hotel room  in Central America we recommend service of


Booking samples of cheap return flights from Dublin to Panama from €288! In this case you would depart from Ireland to Panama City on 6th of November. Your return flight from Central America back to Europe would be then on 26th of November 2017.

Return flights from Dublin to Panama from €288!

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