Return flights from (Ve)Nice or Scandinavia to Mozambique (Nampula, Vilankulos, Pemba, Beira, Tete) from €492!

Return flights from (Ve)Nice or Scandinavia to Mozambique (Nampula, Vilankulos, Pemba, Beira, Tete) from €492!Finding good deal to incredible Mozambique outside Maputo is extremly rare, if you are experienced traveler and want to visit this African country have a look on our solution based on top ranked Qatar Airways (Oneworld) and their local partners. Return flights from Venice, Nice, Stockholm or Copenhagen to Nampula, Vilankulos, Pemba, Beira, Tete are available from €492. This is including all taxes and fees and checked bag. There is layover in Doha and Johannesburg or Nairobi depends on the routing you choose. Moreover you can also book open-jaw tickets between those cities in Mozambique which is perfect solution to travel the country without need of returning back to airport of arrival..



Promotion of Qatar Airways (and their partners South African Airways / Kenya Airways) is available form now till 24th of June then 28th of August to 18th of December or 30th of December 2018 to April 2019. Max stay 12 months. You can track all the cheapest flights to Mozambique directly at website of Qatar Airways then book it directly with airline or via your preferred booking agent. You can book your hotel in Mozambique via or


Booking samples  –  Compare all travel dates here

Venice – Nampula from €492

Nice – Nampula from €607

Stockholm – Nampula from €513

Copenhagen – Nampula from €589


Nice – Vilankulos from €587

Stockholm – Vilankulos from €578

Copenhagen – Vilankulos from €599


Nice – Pemba from €587

Stockholm – Pemba from €579

Copenhagen – Pemba from €599


Nice – Beira from €595

Stockholm – Beira from €587

Copenhagen – Beira from €607


Nice – Tete from €599

Stockholm – Tete from €591

Copenhagen – Tete from €611


Booking sample of Return flights from (Ve)Nice or Scandinavia to Mozambique (Nampula, Vilankulos, Pemba, Beira, Tete) from €492! Date of your outbound flight from Venice to Nampula would be on 21st of January and inbound flight from Africa back to Europe on 4th of February 2019. The cheapest solution to Mozambique is based on 5-star Qatar Airways and Kenya Airways. (routed via Nairobi). However, most of the deals are with Qatar Airways and South African Airways routed via Johannesburg.

Return flights from (Ve)Nice or Scandinavia to Mozambique (Nampula, Vilankulos, Pemba, Beira, Tete) from €492!

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