Last-minute return flights from Dublin to Paphos, Cyprus for just €11!

Last-minute return flights from Dublin to Paphos, Cyprus for just €15!


Flexible travelers that can depart still in January have some great options to visit Cyprus for a cheap €11 both ways with a low-cost airline Ryanair. Look for flights between Dublin and Paphos. All prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes and fees. Overhead luggage and checked luggage is available for an additional fee. Fare class is Standard. Upgrading to have baggage is a Plus fare that allows you to have priority seating (board the plane earlier), a cabin bag, reserved seating, and a 20kg checked bag.


Flying from: Dublin

Flying to: Paphos

Airline(s): Ryanair

Luggage: Small cabin bag

Travel period: January 2022

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample

Dublin to Paphos, Cyprus for €11


Booking sample of cheap last-minute return flights from Dublin to Paphos, Cyprus for just €11! As per our booking, your outbound flight from Ireland to Paphos would be on the 22nd of January returning from Cyprus to Dublin on the 29th of January 2022.

Last-minute return flights from Dublin to Paphos, Cyprus for just €11!

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