There are some low-priced non-stop SAS flights from Norway and Denmark to Iceland available for the next travel period. Currently, the cheapest return tickets from Oslo to Reykjavik/Keflavik airport are available for €50 over the next winter season of 2025. Be quick as there are limited travel dates though. The base fare includes airport taxes, meals and handbags. If you need checked-in luggage you can purchase it separately for an extra fee.
Flying from: Oslo, Copenhagen
Flying to: Reykjavik/Keflavik
Airline(s): SAS
Luggage: Underseat bag
Travel period: February 2025
Max stay: Limited by the travel period
Book by: Unknown
Booking sample
Copenhagen to Reykjavik for €83
If you book this cheap low-cost flight to Iceland you might also need some affordable accommodation. We recommend the service of leading booking sites such as or
Booking sample of cheap SAS flights to Iceland for €50! The date of your outbound flight from Oslo to Reykjavik/Keflavik will be the 20th of February. An inbound flight from Iceland will be then on the 27th of February 2025.