After our Madrid to Kuala Lumpur deal (see link below) we have more great Saudia deals from Spain to South East Asia for you! Based on the service of this 4-star airline you can book fairly priced full-service flights from Madrid to Bangkok, Thailand available for €385. This is for a roundtrip ticket and the base fare does include 23kg of checked-in luggage. Flights have one longer layover in Jeddah in both directions.
Flying from: Madrid
Flying to: Bangkok
Airline(s): Saudia
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: From May to the first half of October 2022
Max stay: 3 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Madrid to Kuala Lumpur from €386
Booking sample of cheap flights from Spain to Thailand from €385 with Saudia! In our example, you would depart from Madrid to Bangkok on the 19th of May. Your return flight from South East Asia back to Europe would be then on the 2nd of June 2022.