Low-cost flights from London to Singapore for £292 return!

Low-cost flights from London to Singapore for £313 return!


Low-cost long-haul airline Scoot is offering bargain deals for all low-budget travelers near London. You can book cheap return flights from London Gatwick to Singapore for £292 with one layover in Bangkok in both directions. (No aircraft change). As said, this is a low-cost deal, there is no checked-in luggage nor onboard meals included in the base fare only available for an extra fee.


Flying from: London Gatwick

Flying to: Singapore

Airline(s): Scoot

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: From the end of August to October 2022

Max stay: You must complete all travel by the end of October

Book by: Unknown


Booking sample 

London Gatwick to Singapore for £292

London to Bangkok for £278  (Non-stop flight)



You can book your accommodation in Singapore via Booking.com. Also, you can further discount your hotel when using one of the following promo codes.

Hotelopia 6% discount


Booking sample of cheap non-stop return flights from the UK to Singapore for £292! You would depart from London Gatwick to Singapore on the 6th of October and return from South East Asia back to the United Kingdom on the 23rd of October 2022.

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