Cheap flights from Germany to Brazil (Sao Paulo) from €391!

Based on similar TAP Portugal promotion to Brazil as the one from Portugal we posted lately we have another great option from Europe to not the most common destinations in this South American country. This time travelers in Germany will appreciate discounted return tickets to Sao Paulo available from €391! This is for a roundtrip flight including all taxes, onboard meals, and handbags. Checked luggage only available for an extra fee…


Flying from: Munich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin

Flying to: Sao Paulo

Airline(s): TAP

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: February to May 2023

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: 2nd of October


Booking samples

Munich to Sao Paulo for €391

Frankfurt to Sao Paulo for €391

Dusseldorf to Sao Paulo for €441

Hamburg to Sao Paulo for €441

Berlin to Sao Paulo for €441


You can book your accommodation in Brazil via Also, you can further discount your hotel when using one of the following promo codes.


Booking sample of cheap flights from Germany to Brazil for €391! As per the above link, you would fly from Munich to Sao Paulo on the 9th of May. Inbound from South America back to Germany on the 22nd of May 2023.

Cheap flights from Germany to Brazil (Sao Paulo) from €391!

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