Flights between London and Prague from just £17/€24 return!

There are some low, low prices with budget airline WIZZ Air for travel between London and Prague! You can fly to or from the Czech Republic and the UK from just £17.98/€24 when flying with the WIZZ Discount Club using the Basic fare. If you are not a WIZZ Discount Club member you can still fly for just £34. Budget airline prices like these have a limited number of seats. If you’d like to visit Prague or London, make sure to book soon to avoid disappointment! These flights are to/from London Luton with prices for a roundtrip and inclusive of all taxes, fees, and one item of under-seat carry on luggage. Checked luggage is available for an additional fee.


If you are interested in this deal with WIZZ Air you will find the cheapest flights when departing between London to Prague from March to May 2020. Fare class is Basic. The cheapest price is available when booking with the WIZZ Discount Club which you can join from €29.99 for a year’s membership. The membership is not required for bookings although you will pay slightly more for your flights. Full details of the WIZZ Discount Club benefits can be found here. There are no details on the end of this deal so if you are interested in flying to Greece, we advise booking as soon as possible.


You can then book this deal directly with WIZZ Air. We have seen the best prices direct with the airline but you can also check with your preferred travel agent. If you struggle with finding a good solution you can also reach us at info (at)


Booking sample

London – Prague for £18 with WIZZ Air membership/£34 without (choose to book with WIZZ Air)


Cheapest dates from London to Prague:

March: Every Tuesday & Wednesday, plus Monday 30th

April: 1st, 15th, 17th-21st, 27th-29th


Cheapest dates from Prague to London:

March: Tuesday to Friday, excluding Tuesday 3rd

April: 1st-4th, 6th, 7th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th

May: 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 19th


The dates we have mentioned here are when travelling one way for under £10. Plenty of other dates are available if you’d be happy paying a little higher.


Booking sample of cheap flights from London to Prague from £17.98! As per our booking, your outbound flight from London Luton to Prague would be on the 18th of April returning on the 1st of May 2020.

Flights between London and Prague from just £17/€24 return!

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